Monday, January 24, 2011

When did I re-enroll in High School?

I'm sick of petty drama! So completely sick of it! I didn't realize I was back in high school again... at least it feels that way.

Gary has a new intern for the Spring semester (a student via UH), who happens to be Lee. :) She and I sat down to chat today, just to catch up and for her to ask me questions about interning for "Dr. Gary" as she calls him. Through this conversation she starts to vent some of her frustration about the organizational structure and 4-H's partnership with FETCH, the organization she works for (which is the reason she asked to intern with Gary b/c she already knows the ropes of FETCH). I sympathized with her. I too am frustrated with the organization structure of 4-H, how dysfunctional it is, and the complicated, uneven partnership with FETCH.

Through our venting and commiserating session, Lee mentioned certain traits of some of our building peers. These ranged from how they treat her to how they view me and Gary. Let's just say, I'm pissed. All the gossiping that's going on, the double-faced treatment, the purposeful underhandedness of some people, and the potential serious accusations one person in particular is making... it's downright childish! These people are supposed to be upper-level undergraduates, grad students, and academic professors/professionals. They're in the business of helping and educating families, yet they are immature themselves!


Now the problem is whether or not I should bring this to Gary's attention (the specifics). Lee told me this in confidence via a venting session between two people, not as colleagues. I keep asking myself what would come out of me bringing this up, whether or not Gary even has time to worry about pettiness, or if it's even worth it. *sigh*

Let's just say I'm glad I'm working from home tomorrow.

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