To back up a bit... in a previous post I mentioned how a woman who

works in my building learned that I don't get paid and have to rely on my boss for food. She exchanged numbers with me to possibly hang out, but mostly so that when she has left-overs she can bring them to me. Well when I came into work today, in the middle of my desk was a giant bag full of groceries and a note attached to my computer monitor saying the food was for me. This woman, Lee,
and I have only had one conversation relating to this topic (over a

week ago!), and haven't talked much beyond that conversation but she still went out of her way to get me groceries! There are kind people in this world that provide for others even when they don't have a lot themselves, and Lee is one of those people. It's crazy that a bag of groceries made me tear up, but they did, and I'm so incredibly grateful! I hope to remember to pay it forward!
What makes this even more unbelievable is that I just found out today that Lee has stage 2 Lung Cancer... and she still works with kids, is going for her education, and feeding the poor (aka me). She is amazing!