Monday, January 10, 2011

S.I.T.'s Lack of Support

Okay, I'm moving my complaint free bracelet to the other side and am going to take this opportunity to rant a little bit.

I'm thoroughly frustrated with how the off-campus portion of my degree program is structured. There is no support, no information, no assistance whatsoever! This isn't a new situation, nor am I the only person to be frustrated.

The school gave us an off-campus manual for our Reflective Practice Phase while still on campus during an all campus meeting about our off-campus phase. However, they didn't give us the manual in advance so we could review it and come to the meeting with clarification questions. They gave us a brief overview of the structure, and said to contact our off-campus coordinator if we had questions. Then they sent us off on our way.

I'd like to say here and now that our manual does not cover everything, nor does our online Moodle sight. Our advisors, being professors on-campus as well, are not helpful. In fact, they are MIA the majority of the time and when they do get back to us it leaves us with more questions than answers.

Information is hidden, or different people have different information, and it's difficult to clear answers from anyone. To top it off this is supposed to be a learning experience, but instead it seems like a cruel joke or experiment and that we're all out here without a freaking saftey net. I'm not sure S.I.T. even has any clue what their students are up to!

To top off my frustration, I just find out today that my advisor is out of the office til February 2nd. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact that January is the month I need to petition to capstone for May, and that I'm also trying to submit my proposal before I petition. This also prevents me from asking questions of my advisor for my RPQ papers that are also due in a 2 months time. January is the completely WRONG month to take off if you're going to be an RPP advisor. I'm sorry, but that's just a fact.

I'm so frustrated with my whole off-campus experience that I just want to scream and walk away, but I've invested too much time, effort, and money to let this wretched institution win. I just want to finish and get the fuck out of there!

End of Transmission.

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