Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hawaii doesn't have Snow Days :)

I've had an amazing weekend! It was the perfect way to welcome me back to Hawaii. Saturday night Karen and I went to see the musical "Into the Woods" presented by a local non-profit called HEARTS (Hawaii Education of the ARTS). Kylie, Gary's other intern for the month of January, assisted in the production, so Karen and I went to support her. I LOVE that musical, and to see middle and high school students knock it out of the park was amazing! They were so talented that you forgot they were only 12-17 years old! Seriously!

Today, Karen, Kylie and myself went to church, the Honolulu Swap-Meet (yes, I frequent there a lot), and Waikiki to the beach. It was just a nice relaxing day, and I finally had someone close(r) in age (Kylie is 20) to talk to. :) It was also an amazing time because we found out earlier in the day that the University of Nebraska, Lincoln Public Schools (and eventually Southeast Community College) cancelled classes for tomorrow because of how much snow they were getting and predicted to get. I also heard yesterday from my friend Deb that it was snowing and cold in Vermont. I may not have had snow this winter season, but I'm okay with that. It was glorious laying on a beach getting a tan, wearing a swimsuit, shorts and flipflops in 80 degree weather in January than the alternative.

The rest of this week in Honolulu is supposed to be rainy, but I'm okay with that too, because I got a day on the beach, I love rain, and that means I'll be forced to stay in doors and work on my Capstone crap. :) We may not have snow days, but I think I'm okay with that.

This year hasn't got me down yet! Yay 2011!!!

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