Wednesday, November 3, 2010

All Hope Is Not Lost

Okay, okay... I admit, I was a little emotionally charged in my last posting. Hey! That's allowed sometimes! My trip home has gotten better. It still hasn't been AMAZING, but sometimes things can't live up to one's expectations.

Since my last posting: Shortly after I finished posting I talked to Monica again, and she realized I needed to get out of that toxic environment, so as soon as George left for work she invited me over to her house to finish the remainder of the Husker game. As we watched the game I vented everything to her - which made me feel so much better - and then we went and got dinner and went out to Rocaberry Farm, a small pumpkin patch (not the original one we were going to go to, but still a pumpkin patch), and did the haunted hay-rack ride, haunted house, and "psycho-path." It was fun.

We called it an early night, and I started to head home. Lydia had contacted me earlier in the evening and said that since her, Megan H., and Yvette had decided not to go to the pumpkin patch that they were going to go to her parent's house and decorate pumpkins and hang out instead so that I could join if I didn't have anything to do. I tried contacting her to see if they were still doing anything (even though I was still kind of upset about the whole situation), but Lydia had forgotten her phone at home so I couldn't get a hold of them. At about the same time my old neighbor, Tina, contacted me and asked if I was going to stop by her Halloween party for a drink. I decided "Why not?" and changed into my last year's costume - Hermione Granger - and went over. The party was basically over, and there were only about 6 or 7 people left (all older) just talking. Tina and I caught up on my time in Hawaii and I watched her make a fool of herself trying to sing along with Rockband before taking my leave early. I'm glad I went even if it was only for about 30 mins.

Halloween day I slept in, had lunch with Megan S. at Lazlo's (one of my favorite restaurants), and went over to my grandma's house to help her pass out candy. My cousin Elizabeth, her husband Zach, and her three kids showed up. Right as they were leaving my cousin Jaci, her daughter Hailey, her sister Jami, their parents, my uncle bobby and aunt Karen showed up, and shortly thereafter my cousin Ericka showed up. It was nice to get to see and catch up with my family. We may not be extremely close or get along all the time, but it was a fun evening. Hailey has taken a liking to Ericka and I swear we should've filmed it because we would've been a shoe-in for America's Funniest Home Videos!

Monday morning I woke up early and went to make breakfast for my Grandma (it was D-Day anniversary), and then accompanied her to the graveyard. I spent the rest of the day with her just so she didn't have to be alone and we Christmas shopped to get her mind off of things. Later that night Lydia, Ben, and I went to VI for old times sake. On the way there Lydia and I talked through what had happened over the weekend and we're fine now. While at VI, Chase showed up to hang out and to take a break from working on a grant.

Yesterday, I went to lunch with Lydia at the Coffee House (I miss that place!), and then ran some errands. I text my friend/old YMCA supervisor, Emmary, to see if I could stop by Elliott Elementary to visit "my kids" from the summer, and she instantly responded. Apparently they were understaffed and she could really use my help! Long story short, I gotta go hang out with "my kids" for a few hours and hang out with some old friends from the Y. It's crazy what just a few months will do for some kids! They're so much bigger, it's crazy! I'm glad I got to do that. It was good for me and reminded me why I'm studying what I'm studying. Take that Cluster!!

After helping out at Elliott, I went straight to my bday dinner with Lydia and Charles. They took me out to Spaghetti Works for my birthday, and Chase decided to come along last minute. It was a good evening. I miss just hanging out with friends... and these three are hilariously entertaining. I also got a phone call that my friend Vanessa is now engaged... AND she wants me to be a bridesmaid!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekk! <-- Girly Squeal! :D

Today, I had lunch with Laura and Lydia at Mainstreet. Gosh, I miss home sometimes! We ran into some people that we were friends with in middle school and high school (Jeff, Jeremy, Tyler) and it was weird to think that we're all grown up now (and that I turn 25 this weekend!). Hopefully the rest of my time home continues to go well. :)

Things with my mother may not be getting any better, but... All hope is not lost.

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