Thursday, November 18, 2010


I am officially a Kama'aina! I just got back from the DMV where I got my Hawaii Driver's License! It's so weird! I've lived a lot of places in my 25 years, a lot of them for longer periods than I've lived/will live in Hawaii, but I have always held a Nebraska Driver's License. Now, I hold a Hawaii Driver's License and my Nebraska License was taken away. I am no longer a resident of Nebraska. WEIRD!!!

You may be asking why I went through the hassle of getting a Hawaii Driver's License in the first place, especially since I'll only be living here for a few more months. Well, it's simple really... 1) things are cheaper here if you are a local, and 2) I wanted a Hawaii License as a sort of souvenir. Don't judge. It's mainly for the first reason, why pay more if I'm living here and not just another tourist?

My new license doesn't expire until 2019, but I'm pretty sure I'll be transferring my residency back to Nebraska (or possibly another state if I'm not living in Nebraska) before the next election so that I don't have to cast my vote absentee for Hawaii and can just vote where ever I am.

I'm excited to be a Kama'aina!!! :)

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