Tuesday, September 14, 2010

To "Sanity Break," or Not to "Sanity Break?" That is the Question.

Earlier today I had a brief, yet intellectually stimulating, conversation with my friend Joe. Despite simply being glad to speak with him since he's been kind of MIA these past few weeks (that's right, I said it!), it was soooooo incredibly nice just to have an outlet where I could discuss intellectual issues. I didn't realize how much I have missed that!

It made me laugh when I realized that I had been pretty much starved when it came to intellectual stimulation over the summer when this past year has been non-stop intellectual conversation and atmosphere (thank you Graduate School). I can remember many-a-time last year when all I wanted was - what I termed - a "sanity break." I was so overloaded and overwhelmed that I just wanted time to sit back and not have to think about those types of things, to sit back and be happy watching mindless television or diving into a girly, fiction novel. *No comments on Twilight, please* Now, I'm starving for the exact opposite. I really hate extremes. It makes me happy to now understand that I've been craving an intellectual outlet. It concerns me, however, that with knowing very few people here in Hawaii I may not find it in the immediate future. Although, now that I know what I'm looking for, it should definitely be easier to find... I just need to find the right balance.

Joe questioned me on how does one go about trying to reconstruct or find balance between intellectual stimulation/outlet and a "sanity break?" While I was considering that question I began to question whether we deserved a "sanity break" at all. Here comes my S.I.T. training...

One thing I took away from this past year is that not everyone has the privilege to step back from a situation. Although I have had some rough streaks in my lifetime, I became aware of just how privileged I have been and am. I have the ability to step back for a "sanity break," I have the ability to curl up inside my little privileged bubble until I'm rejuvenated and ready to dive back in. There are people in this world who don't have that privilege. People who live in war torn countries who aren't allowed to take a step back for a "sanity break." Minorities who are reminded each day that despite the law saying they are equal, that they in fact are not always treated equal. Those who are differently-abled who aren't allowed to take a break and be "regularly-abled." People who are impoverished - both in American standards, but also in Global standards - who can't for even a minute take a step back and have a break from their daily conditions. Etc, etc, etc...

The question remains, should I even allow myself to take a "sanity break?" There is the opinion that NO, I should not revert to my privilege but rather work to my full intellectual capacity and do something with it even if it's challenging. There is another opinion that says if you have the capability to take a break to rejuvenate than you should, so that when you are in the "On" mode you can work to your full capacity and not get worn/burnt out as quickly. I don't know exactly where I fall on those perspectives yet, but I know where I currently am does not suit me at all. I more than crave an intellectual outlet, I NEED intellectual stimulation on a regular basis. Now... where to find it?

1 comment:

  1. Two days after I have this conversation I receive a Facebook invitation for "Brain Break Day." And by one of my fellow S.I.T.ers! Hmmmm... http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=159323187414177&index=1
