Monday, September 27, 2010

Resignation Ruckus

Organizational drama continues. This morning we had two more members of our Foundation resign. To be honest, it was a relief that they did (considering they were good friends with the treasurer who previously resigned), but now we have work to do to replace them. It also doesn't mean that they are gone for good. They may no longer be on the Foundation board, but one is still a county agent. That's right, a county agent. "What was she doing on the Foundation board in the first place?" you might ask. Good question!

I obviously do not have an answer for you, nor do I know what is going to come next. All I know is that we have had three Foundation resignations in the past week and a half, that they were all friends, that they all think my boss is incompetent (their reasons for leaving were that they didn't agree with this thinking), and that we're in the middle of a restructuring from the university. Joy.

I'm not concern. I'm glad all this is getting done because it means we can kind of start over with a "cleaner" slate. Gary is relieved too, and is looking for more resignation/retirements so that we can really move forward. It sounds harsh, I know, but when people are hell-bent on stalling the organization or even bringing it down, then there isn't much that can be done to work with them.

There is much to do. I'm going to work on another grant in the mean-time.

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