Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Organization Chart

I've spent the majority of my day working on an org chart for a review that we have coming up on Friday. We just found out about this review yesterday, so we've been scrambling trying to get all the folders and materials we need together. Hawaii 4-H hasn't had an org chart since the 90s. Gary knew this, but has spent a lot of his time here figuring out exactly what the structure is now, thus hasn't created a new one. Now that it is necessary, I landed the task of creating it. "No big deal," I thought. Boy, was I wrong!

The usual structure for state 4-H programs is for the State 4-H Leader answering to the head of Extension, and the 4-H agents answering to the State Leader, etc. However, here in Hawaii it is completely convoluted! Gary, the State Leader, is on the same level as the county agents, and they all answer to different University Department Chairs, as well as their different county administrators. No one knows who to report to, and those who are supposed to be reported to don't know anything about 4-H. And we wonder why people get away with not being accountable for their time and still manage to get paid.

It took me awhile, but below here is the org chart I created today. It may look structured, but it really isn't. I just made it look half-way decent.

I don't know if you can tell or not, but the one name that isn't blocked is Gary's. He's on the same level as the county agents, and is supposed to report to a department chair AND the Associate Dean/Director of Extension. No wonder all these agents never think they have to listen to him.

Gary had a meeting out in Pearl City today, and drove out there with the Interim Director of Extension. From what Gary told me, the Interim thinks that if things don't start getting resolved soon this might be the end of 4-H in the state of Hawaii. Maybe all these resignations are a good thing because it means we can start from scratch...

It's been a long day, and it's not over yet. Now on to working on a diversity grant. More on this later. :)

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