Monday, December 6, 2010

Unofficial Dead Week

Holy buckets! I was just made aware that it's UNL's (University of Nebraska Lincoln) dead week. That means there semester is almost over, meaning the end of my fourth month here is just around the corner! I feel super behind!

Currently I need to be working on my capstone proposal, my RPQs, my Hawaiian language courses, my Hawaiian Language & Culture paper, not to mention the little thing of my actual capstone/thesis paper! *heart palpitations*

I feel like I'm in a dead week of my own... only it's gonna last for the next month and I might actually be dead at the end of it. Time to flip the productivity switch!

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way you do! I can't believe I've been interning since the beginning of June and all I have done is one RPQ (which I just submitted yestreday)... Next semester's gonna be a killer.
