Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Old Friend, The Coffee House

I'm currently at my old hangout of The Coffee House (yes, that's its actual name). In the past this is where I have come to write papers, apply to college & graduate school, to escape from work (in order to be more productive), and now to work on my Capstone crap. NOTE: If you haven't noticed, I've started referring to the requirements for my Capstone/thesis as "crap" because it seems more tedious than helpful these days.

I'm actually pretty proud of myself and getting work done, but not as much as I had hoped. One of these reasons is because I'm here with my friend Chase (who is a very distracting individual, in addition to asking me to help him with his work), and because I'm just not motivated to work on this stuff (because I'm not sure I'm doing it right and because I don't have all the materials I need). Excuses, excuses... I know. But it doesn't make them any less legit. :P I have felt productive today, and helpful to boot. Not a bad day in my book.

Things I've worked on today: My capstone proposal and my RPQ #1. What I wanted to work on today [and accomplish]: My capstone proposal, RPQ #1 & #3, my Language/Culture paper, and capstone/thesis outline. Well I may not have gotten very far, but something is better than nothing! Come on Coffee House productivity magic... do your stuff! Back to work! :)

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