Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is Time Flying or Dragging?

Earlier today I posted the following to my Twitter account:

So many different aspects to my month of January that it's gone by quickly but seems like forever since it began.

For further explanation beyond 140 characters, when I think of how much time I have left here in Hawaii and how much I need to get done (and how much I have gotten done this since arriving back from my holiday vacation) it seems like time is flying. I can't believe it's already the end of January!

However, when I think back to the beginning of this month, it's hard to believe that I was in Nebraska, ringing in the New Year with good friends, the five fantastically wonderful days I had with friends and family in Nebraska before heading back to Hawaii, spending time with the Peterson's before they left, meeting and hanging out with Kylie (Gary's January intern) for two weeks and all the adventures we had, dealing with Capstone drama, having Gary's son come for a two week visit, Kylie leaving, turning my focus to RPQs, having Gary's mom and aunt arrive for a visit, beginning work on this Diversity Grant, dealing with high school drama at work... etc, etc, etc.

So much has happened that it seems impossible that it's only been a month! I mean, I've had more comings-and-goings & events happen in the past four weeks than I did in the majority of my first four months here! January 1st seems like a-whole-nother life ago (I'm exaggerating, obviously, but still...).

So, I can't really tell... is time flying or dragging?

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