Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again..."

Ok... After a lot of harassment from my friends and classmates, I’ve agreed to start this blog. I suppose it’s a good idea – it will help me stay connected with people, I wont have to tell the same stories over and over again to multiple people, and it might just help me keep track of what I’m doing for my practicum. But still… I haven’t seriously written a blog since senior year of college when I studied abroad in Germany, and even then I didn’t write very often. This is going to take some effort, I can already tell.

Who can figure out where the name of my blog comes from? You’re not allowed to guess if you already know! Dirty cheaters. :) I’ll give the rest of you a hint. It’s a quote from a movie. I could give you a better hint than that, but I tend to give things away when I think I’m being clever, so I’ll just avoid going down that road.

I leave for Hawaii in less than 48 hours! Sooooooooo crazy! I’ve never been to Hawaii, so I’m super excited AND super nervous. It’s so surreal. For realz. I’ve packed, unpacked, repacked, unpacked, repacked, unpacked, and repacked… etc, etc, etc. I’m trying to go minimalist, but it’s not working out so hot for me. Why is it so difficult? I don’t even have that big of a wardrobe, but then when I start packing a suitcase it’s horrendously difficult to pick and choose what to take for 4-6 months! One would think it would be easy because Hawaii’s average temperatures are between the mid-70s and mid-80s degrees Fahrenheit. However, I still managed to have issues with it. I know what some of you are thinking… I manage to have difficulties with a lot of things. Well, bite me. :P

I have a lot of things to do before I leave. A lot of people to visit, a lot of errands to run. I hate goodbyes, I really do. They suck! I mean, who honestly LIKES goodbyes?! I remember when I snuck out of my first AmeriCorps position (@ ServeNebraska) early on my (original) last day because I hate goodbyes that much. My colleagues, Greg and Peter, never let me live that down. I also remember refusing to say goodbye to certain people up in Vermont because I didn't want to admit to myself I might never see them again. Ugh, I just hate saying goodbye. I cry every single time! It doesn't matter who you are, if you thought that me saying goodbye to you wasn't that big of deal... you're wrong. I cried, just probably not in front of you.

Anywho… enough of this. I’m going to go run last minute errands and visit people before I leave. See you in Hawaii! :D


  1. Well... that's part of it, but not the only reason. If you remember back, y'all didn't ask me to come hang out until LAST MINUTE and I was already hanging out with Ben & Lydia (oh which those plans had been made a couple weeks in advance). Not my fault! You better be happy I came and said goodbye at all! :P

  2. I know where the quote is from!
