Anyway, church was postponed to this afternoon,

meaning Karen couldn't come because she had to go to the airport to pick up Gary (he just got back from a three week trip to the mainland). I decided to go to church anyway because I had heard mumblings of a Christmas pageant being performed. All I have to say is that it was ADORABLE! The church youth, along with youth from the church preschool performed an impromptu Christmas pageant. It was so cute and funny. I was doubled over in laughter because it was just too friggin' adorable! I tried to get pictures of the kids all dressed up and "acting," but (rightfully so) their parents were in the way taking pictures, so I only got a picture of the stage.
In addition to the pageant, an impromptu Christmas choral concert was held... except half the choir was missing. It's a small choir to begin with - only about 8 members - and since half of them were not in attendance (and to be heard over all the children) they gave the remaining members microphones to lead the songs. I've never cringed so much while laughing and smiling. One of the ladies, bless her heart, should not sing in public, but she was so filled with the spirit of the holidays that she made you want to sing along. I love old people! They make me smile! :)
Afterwards, the preschool sponsored a family fun evening with pizza, crafts, games, bonding. I had so much fun, and had conversations with a lot of people that I hadn't had the chance to talk with before. I'm glad I went. Before, I thought it might be awkward to go by myself, but it wasn't at all. It was just the right amount of Christmas/Holiday spirit to let me enjoy the holidays in Hawaii and get me pumped up about going home for the holidays with family and friends in Nebraska. :)
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