Inspired by Maria Sandone's recent blog post about how much her life has changed in just a year, I looked back on my experiences one year ago and was as equally shocked by how much my life has changed! Check it out for yourself:
- August 28, 2009: Lunch with Charles and Chase for Charles birthday, followed by going away antics with Lydia and Monica later that evening.
- August 28, 2010: Sight-seeing along the East side of O'ahu with Gary and Karen.
- August 29, 2009: Hitting the road toward Vermont with Amanda... driving through Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and part of Ohio.
- August 29, 2010: Relaxing and enjoying Honolulu. Attending a Greek Festival.
- August 30, 2009: Continuation of my move to Vermont for Graduate School, driving through the remainder of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York stopping at Niagara Falls at sunrise and then Amanda's grandma's in upstate New York near Cooperstown.
- August 30, 2010: First day of my Practicum with Hawaii 4-H.
SAY WHAT?!?! This is so surreal! When you think of it like that it really does seem so AMAZING that I'm even here! A year ago today I would never have thought I'd be in Hawaii within a year, let alone living here for 6 months! I also would've never been able to imagine the people I've met over the past year, the opportunities I've had, and the locations I've been able to go. I thank all of you who have made the last year what it has been and who have helped me get to where I am now - completing my practicum in Honolulu, Hawaii!

Aw, I'm so happy I got to inspire! I love how the first photo is "home" to me but I would LOVE to be where you are snapping the second. Hawaii seems to be a truly amazing place.